Nun ist es soweit, Rinaldo hat die finale Version, die Release 11.2 veröffentlicht!

-->Vor der Installation des CM11<--

- Macht unbedingt ein Backup des kompletten Ordners "data"
- Net Framework 3.5 muss bei euch installiert sein

Download CM 11 Release 11.2 Final

Download CM 11 Release 11.0 Final

- es ist unbedingt erforderlich vor der Benutzung des CM ein Backup des "Game" Ordners zu machen!!!
- vorher eingefügte Grafiken können weiter verwendet werden!!!


Release 11.2

- Fixed a bug when linking tournaments and leagues: league link is now updated automatically. Before it was updated only when the file was saved.
- Fixed a bug in the formation page in the assignment of the fields Build Up Positioning, Chance Creation Positioning and Defende Line.

Release 11.1

* Faster load and save database
* Generic formations can now be assigned to a team so we do not need a custom formation for each team.
* In a CMP file when a player is assigned to a team club he is removed from his actual club.
* Original name fonts can be shown. (Thanks to Ludo for finding the compressing algorithm)
* Changed the algorithm for assigning the new assetid of Licensed Tournaments.

BETA 6.2: Bug Fixed

* A Team removed from one league is added to the RoW.
* The formupdate table was not updated properly (this may cause a crash in manager mode)
* Expected newspaper image size was incorrect. (it must be 1024 x 128)
* Added copy paste function for kit positions.
* Added the possibility to assign a formation to a team other than at team creation time.
* Teamkits record are not inserted into CMP file
* The button for getting new id in the Licensed Tournament returns an incorrect id.

BETA 6.1: Bug Fixed

  • Opponent team always appear to be "Arsenal"
  • Shoes 3D model import/export/remove do not work
  • Crash while importing CMP patch if the local Culture requires a comma as decimal separator
  • Kit items positions not saved properly
  • Importing kit in CMP patches use an incorrect kit identifier

BETA 6.0:

  • Added CMP patch creator and loader
  • Some bugs fixed (whoops: I’ve lost the list)

BETA 5.2:

* Double click for Stadium label in team form doesn’t work
* The following settings in stadium page do not work
o Deep Net
o Opposite View
o Time and Weather
* Added police selection to stadium form.
* Boots set forced to 0 0
* The Button (Randomize) in Player Tab (info) is not Activated.
* In Teams Tab drop down list [country] not saves.
* Shorts number is always shown in 3D model
* Show name in 3D models

BETA 5: the following bugs have been fixed

* After cloning a kit the original is shown incorrectly (resambling the cloned one)
* 3D shoes shown also when view button is disabled.
* Add scroll bars.
* Assign national team to a country does't work
* Positions in kits are saved only when textures are saved, they need their own save button
* In the referees page I cannot change hair style for "modern".
* Add the possibility to preset Formation to a genric module
* Changed role identification addin languga dependent acronym
* Added the possibility to import ttf
* Added the possibility to show default shoes with different colors
* Added Sponsors
* Added Stadiums
* Added the possibility to edit tournaments used in tournament mode
* When the id of a team is changed the teamid of the corresponding formation is not updated
* Added the possibility to move hair for specific heads.

BETA 4: the following bugs have been fixed

* Incorrect rendering of hair models
* Can neither create or modify the referees.
* The cup does not save the picture.
* Addes the possibility to delete Kit
* Added a button to delete minikit
* Added button to delete miniface
* Minikits are Not saved
* Minifaces are saved but are not visible in game.
* Accessory colors shown incorrectly
* DB modified outside CM are not loaded properly
* Change of specific hair textures is not effective in game
* Leagues "Fifa career saved teams" and "World League" country set as Albania
* Cannot see or change team id
* Loading kit texture images causes incorrect positioning of badge and numbers.
* Loading kitnumber images of a new set causes a crash
* Do not show back number in game
* Removed appears in tounament check box

BETA 3: the following bugs have been fixed

* It's not possible add more groups in the edit competition.
* Created shoes are not visible when CM 11 is restarted.
* Cannot save trophy picture (Trophy Template File is missed)
* Randomize player appearance may cause a crash
* Preferred position 2 randomly changes when touching other player attributes
* Changing the name of the stadium or the stadium model causes a crash.
* Creating a new ball and loading the textures causes a crash
* The same happens for boots too.

the following bugs have been fixed in Beta2:

* Error 10000, CM extracts the database in the wrong folder
* Crash when selecting Free Agent in players window
* Messages don't show description text
* "File Open Select All" works just like "Open Select Language"
* Any change to player names is not saved in the database
* After save and reload some substitutes in the Formation are missed.
* Player Id not shown properly in the Player form (always 200000)
* Cannot select the OK button after clicking the "Team #" buttons of a tournament
* When adjusting the averages of player skills, not all parameters are recalculated
* Reflexes and potential not saved in the database

· Shoes cannot be saved because template files are missed

· Country of new leagues is always set to Albania

If you are not an expert editer, please, avoid to be a beta tester and just wait for the released version. I have receved many messages asking when it will be available ... thanks for your support and sorry if I am not able to reply to everybody. The first beta has abot 70% of the features of the final version. Prepare yourself to be a beta tester:
1) Start from a fresh installation of FIFA 11
2) Make a backup copy of the data folder so you can restore it quickly after you have found a bug
3) Be sure to have Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 installed, it is required for running CM 11
4) When you find a bug, prepare an accurate description of the steps necessary to reproduce it and post it to the forum... consider that in order to fix a bug, I need to reproduce it so a good description is going to save me a lot of time. Before to post in the forum, please check if somebody else has already reported it.
I am pretty sure that, with your help, we can move quickly forward to a full functional and stable version. Last recommendation: if you do not already have experience of editing with FIFA games, just avoid to be a beta tester and wait for the release version.

Screens alt:

Quelle: Latest News